Please read to bottom.
We are ready to respond to the growing need for food for youth, young adults and their families at the Tumbleweed location, 505 N. 24th.
To meet the increasing demand, and also do our very best to practice all CDC COVID-19 safety protocols, please adhere to the following:
FOOD BOX PICK UP – Monday-Friday from 9-11 am (BEGINNING FRIDAY MARCH 20th)
- Boxes will be pre-assembled and set up at a location outside, either in the parking lot or in front of the building.
- Take one food box per person/family per day.
- Practice 6 foot social distancing protocols and wait to get a box until you can do so safely.
- Once you have what you need, do not loiter or stay at the Tumbleweed location.
- Please, practice Tumbleweed’s Core Values of respect and personal responsibility.
FOOD DONATION DROP OFF- Monday-Friday from 1-3 pm
- If possible, please pre-pack boxes and/or grocery bags to accommodate an individual food box or a family food box. This will speed up the process of getting food to people who need it.
- There will be tables set up either in the parking lot or in front of the building for drop off. They will be clearly marked.
- Place the donated boxes or bags of food on the table.
- Practice 6 foot social distancing protocols and wait to place the box or bag on the table until it is safe to do so.
- Please do not loiter or stay at the Tumbleweed location.
- There will be a container or basket for you to put your name, email, phone number and mailing address in so we can send you donation documentation for your taxes. We will not have paper or pens so please bring a note with you that includes this information to place in the basket.
IF THESE PICK UP OR DROP OFF TIMES DO NOT WORK FOR YOU we will have some ability to work outside of these times, but this will vary and cannot be guaranteed. Please call Tumbleweed if you need to problem solve. 406-259-2558.
We are incredibly grateful for the support that is being offered to the youth, young adults and their families of our community during this very challenging time. We are grateful for our partnerships with so many community partners who are working tremendously hard to take care of very vulnerable people in our community.
Thank you for your kindness and love.
If you have questions call Tumbleweed 24/7 at 406-259-2558
- Pasta and Sauce
- Instant Mashed Potatoes
- Peanut Butter and Jelly
- Bread
- Noodle Packs
- Tuna
- Canned Chicken
- Instant Stuffing
- Canned soups,stews and chili
- Vienna Sausage
- Canned Veggies and fruits
- Apples and Oranges